Sakura Yukishiro


The only info you need about me is...
Fucking minors do not interact
(If you are my friend/mutual don't read this, you know how much I hate peeps, stalkers and people snooping in my stuff because they feel entitled to me,my time, my attention and my energy)

Do you think is acceptable to peep stories/fleets/sns of people who are not your friends (my stories)? Do you think is it normal?
Did I invited you to see my stories? No,I fucking didn't. I don't know you and you don't know me, you don't see me peeping your fucking stories why do you see mine? My account being public doesn't mean you have the right to see my stories, you fucking stalker,seems you have a huge problem with boundaries (your own and others),narcissistic son of a bitch. and no I don't owe you explanations,I don't owe you SHIT. You're in my space. get the fuck out of here
Places you can stay for free:
1. your lane
2. out my business
you really have some audacity crossing peoples’s boundaries all because you’ve gotten “too comfortable”. you would never do that to other people in your life so why them? because you think there will be no consequences? think again.
Learn to respect boundaries.
A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect. And I won't tolerate your lack of respect towards me,motherfucker.
I am different of you because I do respect boundaries.

consider: it’s the internet and you literally are not obligated to any information about me aside from what i choose to share. i don’t owe you any info about me because i don’t need everyone and their mother to know my enneagram type and food allergies.

And I love BL because I know the difference between reality and fiction
Block me motherfucker💓!


may all evil eye be returned to sender x1000

the block is a boundary. the way people get upset over a block highlights the entitlement people feel towards accessing someone else’s life.
social media has people feeling entitled, consumed and boundary less. people feel entitled to cross boundaries on social media in a way they (hopefully) never would in person.

lots of talking, inserting self, speaking over, reading the timeline to critique, not to engage.

social media has led to hyper fixation on how the self relates amongst others. personalization is huge on these apps. making everything about you. taking things personal and therefore needing to respond or critique something that has absolutely nothing to do with you.

No offence but social media platforms have given us a false sense of access to the point where we think it’s acceptable to comment and critique on the lives of people we don’t even know. It’s terrifying seeing it done in the name of activism to both appease the ego -
Honestly I find it ugly.

How is it possible to have a healthy relationship to social media and others on here when no one seems to understand that boundaries have to be upheld in the digital space just as much as they do in the physical world?

Do our lives no longer hold any value that we have to live others experiences with them? I’m not talking relatability here either, in which instance it’s fine. But when you have the nerve to speak on something that does not concern you one bit -Or speak for groups you don’t identify with, that’s an issue.

Ask yourself why you concern yourself with doing such things.

People have too much time and decide the world needs to hear their every thought and share every experience they go through or involve themselves in spaces
They don’t belong in to begin with!

This isn’t about gatekeeping either. It’s about recognising where you stand and acknowledging that you don’t know most of the people you interact with. You experience a fraction of them. That is it.

( Made with Carrd )